About Us
We help you and your family take action on your fitness goals, get results, and have a blast during the process!
Our Mission Statement:
To create and foster an amazing ongoing fitness experience with a strong sense of community for our clients, utilizing group training boot camps, fitness events, athletic training, sports and recreational activities. We give our clients a superior fitness experience and results.
Our Purpose:
We exude fun, variety, and community, which is what makes our clients happier and our business opportunity sustainable.
Our Core Values:
Serve our clients. Provide fantastic value. Get results.
Respect the integrity, the responsibility, and the importance of the instructor.
Health and fitness is our natural state and can be done anywhere.
Motivate and lead others through vision, positivity, initiative, and confidence.
Action Fitness Camp also offers a great opportunity for personal trainers and fitness instructors. It's the ONLY business licensing plug-n-play system designed to integrate into the three hottest revenue generating segments of the fitness industry: Boot Camps, CrossFit, and Athletic Training.
Helping you reach your goal is our #1 priority!
Even when you don’t have a lot of weight to lose, it’s easy to develop a muffin top, sagging buttocks, jiggly arms and a stomach pooch. Your favorite clothes no longer look right on you. Who wants to feel self-conscious about the way they look?
Whatever your reason is for wanting to work out, Action Fitness Camp can help you get the body you’ve always dreamed of having.
We have a growing number of locations, each with expert trainers (and more of the best on their way) who are educated in the latest fitness technology that is guaranteed to help burn fat and energize you! We give you all the tools you need to successfully reach your weight loss and fitness goals and maintain that weight for life!
Action Fitness Camps aren’t like “classes” or “trainers” at your local Big-Box gym. Although we do boot-camp-style training, we aren’t just another watered down deal at the health club either. We specialize in giving a workout that will increase your metabolism, burn fat fast, and get you toned and conditioned faster and easier than you can on your own. In fact, you probably can’t get these results on your own! Many of our camps let you breathe in fresh air in the great outdoors and meet wonderful people who will encourage you and support you in your effort to lose weight.
The people who come to Action Fitness Camp have loads of fun while learning new exercises. You’re never bored because your workout is always changing and always FUN!
Many clients love to attend sessions with their spouse as a way to spend fun, quality time together while getting in shape. Best of all, when spouses workout together, they get added encouragement in session and at home and have a better chance at achieving their weight loss and fitness goal.
We offer both indoor and outdoor locations and the workouts are never the same so you won’t get bored and you’ll love being assured of varied programs designed to avoid exercise plateaus while accelerating your results.
Action Fitness Camp is not just about getting you to burn stubborn and ugly body fat. We are here to help you achieve real and lasting lifestyle change, which means functional fitness as you age, so you can reduce joint pain, increase stability and flexibility, and keep on moving for years to come… and look great doing it too.
So bring your spouse, bring your teenager—it’s especially good character building for them 😉 and end the drudgery of boring workouts forever.
Flexible workout sessions to fit into even the busiest lives
You have a busy life. We know it. Most of us do. Our programs are flexible. You may want to work out 4 or 5 times a week because you’re having so much fun—but if your schedule is too tight and you can only manage to come a few times a month, that’s okay too. We’re here for you.
Some exercise is better than no exercise and you’ll profit far more in health and fitness benefits than being a couch potato. Not only will you love the changes you see in your stamina, energy and overall fitness level, but your family will too! Why not encourage a friend or the entire family to join you for double or triple the fun?
Help your athlete get the edge to make the team while building great fitness habits for life.
Speed, Agility, Quickness, Functional Training, and Conditioning Camps for every sport and game.
Speed and agility are athletic skills that can be taught and enhanced with proper training methods.
The goal of these 4 to 8-week camps are as follow:
- Train the participant in proper running technique
- Improve straight ahead speed (SAS)
- Improve lateral speed and agility (LSA)
- Improve core and leg strength
- Improve athlete’s general fitness level in preparation for upcoming sports season
- Speed
- Agility
- Power
- Balance
- Strength
- Flexibility
- Coordination
- Confidence
- Injuries
Each session will include:
- Dynamic Flexibility (Stretching in motion) warm-ups
Weekly stations that progressively train skills in:
- Running Technique for efficient running = speed
- Agility (changing directions and with maximum acceleration)
- Plyometrics (impact, landing, and the force absorption/reproduction paradigm)
- Core and Lower extremity strength (for injury prevention and performance enhancement)
- Balance and Stability (for coordination)
- As well as cool down stretching and team building/motivational activities
Private instruction and nutritional guidance.
Personal training in a small group of 2-6 clients for individual attention with the added benefit of group dynamics and fun, and it’s also a lower cost alternative to private one-on-one training. *Must have a minimum of 2 clients that can work together.
We’ve use and recommend AdvoCare as the premier nutritional solution to combine with Action Fitness Camp programs. Our 24-Day Boot Camp Challenge is our premier system, combining camp workouts (both in-person and additional optional home-workouts), meal plans and nutrition guides, grocery-shopping guides, along with coaching and support.
The 24-Day Challenge is a comprehensive supplementation and nutrition program designed to give your body the jumpstart it needs to help you reach your goals. There’s something for everyone whether you are looking for weight management, energy, overall body composition or overall wellness. Thousands of people have experienced success on the 24-Day Challenge – you could be next!
Everyone knows that to get superior results, you need to pay attention to what you put in your mouth. To get the best results, you need to follow the step 1-2-3 program. The missing link for most people is a solid plan and a winning strategy. That’s why we have the 24 Day Challenge a results-focused program that includes all parts of the triangle, as well as the coaching support to make the necessary lifestyle changes.
By joining Action Fitness Camps, you will also get access to an 8-week nutritional course called Commit2Fit and priceless tips, as well as professional support that will sky-rocket your results, absolutely free.
Disclaimer: In regard to current medications and programs: We believe you have a right to inquire, and hopefully you’re with a progressive doctor who’s desire is to see you reduce meds where and when possible. NONE of the following statements have been explicitly approved by AdvoCare or the FDA and YOU need to check with your doctor first if you have any concerns whatsoever. We are NOT giving medical advice in any way whatsoever, and we are only giving general information and examples of how it worked for us and our clients, but this is in no way a promise of results or a guarantee of success or a cure for any disease. Please use common sense at all times and always check with your doctor and pharmacist before taking anything new. You are ultimately responsible for your health.
- Reduction of inflammation may be helped by following the 10 day cleanse nutrition program, which eliminates foods that are known to be inflammatory to many people (wheat, coffee, dairy, alcohol, yeast, soda), and by adding more foods and supplements that may help reduce inflammation (Omega 3’s, fruits, veggies, water)
- Advocare Omegaplex provides Omega 3’s that have helped many people reduce aches & pains (Some see O 3’s as aspirin!)
- The program emphasizes hydration throughout the day, which tends to reduce joint pain, while removing pain stimulating drinks such as coffee, soda, and alcohol.
Excess Weight
- The 10 day cleanse regimen helps break negative food habits and addictions (chocolate, beer, bread, etc), & allows for a new beginning with normalized taste buds
- The program keeps carbohydrates in check, which keeps insulin levels low, which minimizes fat storage and encourages your body to properly burn fat (Advocare Spark, Meal Replacement shakes both have a minimal affect on Insulin, thus supporting “the fat burning lifestyle”)
- “Energy precedes weight loss”… and the energy you get from Spark and MNS Max 3 tends to keep appetite down and your desire to work and move up
- MNS Max 3 provides appetite control at fat burning support with herbs such as oolong tea, green tea, cayenne powder, cinnamon, and much more.
- ***Efficient fat burning can take place when Advocare products are combined with a low insulin lifestyle!
Type 2 Diabetes
- Again: Insulin is the bad guy here… LOWERING INSULIN by keeping carbs minimized will positively affect every health system in your body
- Eating and supplementing in a way that allows you to minimize insulin will allow your cells to burn stored fuel and fat properly, which gives your insulin system a greater chance to function properly again due to the low sugar/carb content, Advocare Spark and Meal Replacement shakes both have a minimal affect on Insulin, thus supporting “the fat burning lifestyle”)
High Cholesterol
- When insulin levels are elevated (via excess carbs), your liver produces cholesterol internally (HMG Co A Reductase)… many health professionals aren’t aware that elevated cholesterol is often the result of an excessive carbohydrate diet versus ingested cholesterol… a couple times per week I’ll eat 4 eggs per day w/ yolks… my cholesterol is 150… my wife’s cholesterol went from over 200 to 160 by increasing her healthy fats while learning to keep her carb grams under 100 per day…
- Omega 3’s have been proven to lower overall cholesterol, increase HDL’s, and lower LDL’s (we’ve seen this repeateadly on the lab results of our clients)
Gastro Intestinal Issues
- Digestion improves b/c the simple food plan follows food combining laws that, for many people, allow for proper digestion and reduction of acid reflux
- The same foods that cause inflammation can also “back you up”, the foods that reduce inflammation are the foods that typically encourage regular bowel movements
- Omega 3’s via Omegaplex often help stimulate regular bowel and lymph movement
- The Probiotics included in the Herbal Cleanse and MNS Max 3 help facilitate proper digestion and elimination by counteracting yeast and other negative bacteria
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- Carbohydrate management is often the answer… increasing protein and healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, omega 3’s, nuts/seeds) allows for balanced blood sugar and insulin levels
- Eating / grazing throughout the day, and training your body to get used to that, will aid steady blood sugar levels
- Burning fat and utilizing fat as fuel will feed your body in addition to the glucose in your blood stream… our MNS Max 3 aids in this process of you metabilism operating via “mixed fuel” (versus being a cyclical “sugar burner”)
High Blood Pressure
- Salt may be a slight contributor, but many progressive health practitioners don’t believe salt is the major issue here…
- Omega 3’s are a natural blood thinner, thinner blood (versus gluey) means lower blood pressure
- Omega 3’s are a natural vasodialator (opposite of constriction), which means there is more room for blood to flow, which lowers blood pressure
- Elevated insulin levels increase blood pressure… so I’ll say it again… learning to minimize and manage your carbs will likely BLESS YOUR LIFE!
- Everything affects everything else… eliminating the above issues will likely increase your energy
- Spark provides energy in many ways, one of which is CHOLINE, which enhances neurotransmitter activity in your brain… you’ll notice that other “energy drinks” don’t provide choline, a key for mental focus
- Thinner blood (Omega 3’s) allows for greater oxygen delivery, which = greater energy
- Our Sci/Med Board puts a host of incredible natures best nutrition in our MNS Max 3 (Ginger, Peppermint Leaf, Garlic Powder, Vitamins, Minerals, Omega’s, Probiotics, and so much more) that fills in the gaps and allows us to live at our full potential and energy
Where are you guys located and where the heck are these camps held?
We offer both indoor and outdoor camps at a variety of locations. Our AFC Owners typically offer at least one indoor location in every city, and we supplement those with outdoor camps where it makes sense. Sometimes we rotate location for variety and fun. Check out the Locations page to see the current participating cities.
How much is it?
Each Action Fitness Camp location is owned separately. You’ll need to contact the camp nearest you for exact pricing. With that being said, we pride ourselves on our high-value programs.
Personal training normally costs you around $60 per session, yet your are getting similar benefits at a fraction of the cost, regardless of what plan you may select.
Typically an Action Fitness Camp adult fitness camp program runs around $8-$15 per session, which is a great deal.
In addition to this, your satisfaction is guaranteed by our 30-day unconditional money back guarantees—so the only thing you have to lose are the unwanted pounds!
What is Action Fitness Bootcamp anyway?
Action Fitness Camp is a fitness program that includes top notch fitness instructions, nutritional coaching and motivational training all designed to get you in the best shape of your life in the shortest, safest possible time regardless of your current fitness level. Action Fitness Camp Memberships include:
- Professional Instruction
- Monitored Results
- Positive Motivation
- A Variety of Fun yet Challenging Workouts
- Session days and times are flexible, so you can create your own schedule
- Depending on the package chosen, nutritional programs, fitness guidance, and personal training tools
If you are one of those people who always try to get the closest parking space available, this program is definitely for you. If the idea of working out gets you out of breath, it’s time to enlist.
What is a fitness boot camp?
A fitness boot camp is an organized group exercise class utilizing a variety of exercises and focusing on a variety of fitness components. Although the term “ camp” broadly applies to military-style training, fitness boot camps are not just for the armed forces. The camp is a place where people of all fitness levels can work side-by-side, hold each other accountable, and reach new fitness levels together. Personal trainers set up the workouts, instruct on the exercises, and motivate campers to push their limits.
Action Fitness Camps take this to a new level by removing some of the negative aspects of many boot camps and replacing those with more of the good stuff: Varied workouts, high-energy, fun, camaraderie and community, along with function fitness for life.
If you are a beginner, then this is the place to start right. If you are an athlete and you are looking for a new challenge, this program is for you too. Classes are structured to meet everyone’s physical abilities.
Action Fitness Camp starts off with an assessment of all recruits. We see what kind of shape you are in and guide you on proper form.
Categories of exercise include: Resistance Training, Cardiovascular Training, Speed and Agility Training. Plyometrics, Stretching
Our Action Fitness camps are a fun way to get in the best shape possible. The workouts and exercises range from push-ups to squats, jogging to sprinting, team games, lunges, build-ups, jumps, stairs, medicine ball, kettle bell, dumbbell exercises, abdominal and low back exercises and much more.
We are not going to stand over you and yell at you to do more (at least we won’t scream in your ear). We will push you though. We expect the very best from everyone that participates.
Our Action Fitness Camps are for everyone. We have men and women in our weekly classes. All exercises can be modified to fit your abilities. Please know though that we will push you to break barriers and get a little uncomfortable to get to the next level.
In summary, we have created a fun and driving atmosphere to work out, build camaraderie and get in great shape. If you would like to kick your own butt back into shape, contact us now by enlisting today!
What are some of the ways will I benefit from joining the camp?
Working with personal trainers in a group setting offers a multitude of benefits. Check out the short list below for improvements you may experience after enrolling in camp.
- Increased motivation
- Increased strength
- Burn body fat
- Improved flexibility
- Accountability
- Weight loss
- Increased metabolism
- Toned muscles
- Develop consistency
- Reduced risk of injury
- More energy
- Less aches and pains
Do I have to be in any kind of shape to join?
No, where you begin is up to you. You have already taken your first step in acknowledging that you want to be in better shape and that you haven’t been able to do it alone. Reclient, the best athletes in the world hire trainers to push them to reach the pinnacle of their profession. We strive for the same thing in Action Fitness Camp!
This being said, if you have serious medical issues, this camp may not be for you. If you can’t do even one push up on your knees, or you can’t do even one sit up, or you can’t make it around a track even one time, or if you have major injuries, you are advised to build yourself up to the point that you can do these very basic things before starting. You may need to contact us about personal training in order to get yourself to the point that you can do a group fitness class or camp. If you are hurting or in pain, we can help you with a referral to a doctor, a physical therapist, or another professional to help solve your problem.
This being said, we have had people who could not do a single push up come to camp to make that happen!
Contact us with specific questions regarding health and fitness levels.
What if I’m not very physically fit?
No camper will be left behind or asked to complete more than they are capable of doing safely. Whether you have five or fifty pounds to lose, or just those stubborn ten, you’ll find that Action Fitness camp is just the program for you! Women and men of all ages, abilities and fitness levels regularly attend Action Fitness camp and achieve incredible results.
What is the cancellation and refund policy?
Our 30 day 100% unconditional money back guarantee- We believe so strongly in the Action Fitness camps fitness formula and take your satisfaction very seriously which is why for any reason whatsoever you are not completely satisfied within the first 30 days of this program, simply let us know via e-mail and we will issue you a refund, no hassles and no hard feelings.
Guarantee Policy
30 Day Hassle Free Money Back Guarantee
If, for any reason whatsoever, Client is not completely satisfied with the services provided within the first 30 days following the date signed below, simply let your Action Fitness Camp location know in writing via e-mail or via the mail that you would like to cancel your program and we will issue you a full refund. After the initial 30-day period, all prepaid payments are final and non-refundable, except as provided for in the cancellation policy.
Month-to-month agreements can be put on hold for $10 per month in order to retain monthly dues rate. If a client cancels a monthly payment without putting it on hold, they must sign up for a new payment plan if wanting to restart services.
For clients in a longer contract period, the client may get out of the contract period by paying the difference between the discounted rate and the full month-to-month rate for all months the client maintained a clientship. For details, read the following:
Skinny Jeans Reward Policy
Upon the completion of a full year of our program, Client has up to thirty (30) days from his or her completion date to purchase a pair of jeans of his or her choice and present the original receipt to their AFC location owner. Upon Client’s delivery to Action Fitness camps of the original receipt, Client will be reimbursed for the exact purchase price of the pair of jeans, in an amount not to exceed $200.
Cancellation Policy
Client must give notice of cancellation via e-mail or written correspondence to their location at least five business days prior to the scheduled monthly debit date, which will be the same day of the month of the initial billing cycle. Cancellation requests received after this deadline will be charged in full for the next month’s services. Please note, even if Client notifies instructor, Client is still required to send something in writing to cancel this Agreement. Such e-mail/letter/fax will serve as Client’s cancellation receipt. If for any reason the 6-month Action Fitness Camp Body4Ever (or other similar program) is cancelled before its completion date, a $50 reimbursement fee for every debit date prior to receipt of the cancellation notice shall become due and will be debited from Client’s payment account immediately. In no event will the collected reimbursement fee exceed the total remaining balance under this Agreement. The 6-month Action Fitness Camp Body4Ever program will automatically continue on a month-to-month basis following the first full 6-month period and will be considered active until such program has been cancelled as provided for in this cancellation policy. If by reason of death or disability, Client is unable to receive all Action Fitness Camp services for which Client has contracted, Client and Client’s estate shall be relieved from the obligation of making payment for services other than those received or obligated prior to death or the onset of disability, and if Client has prepaid any sum for services, so much of such sum as is allocable to services Client has not taken shall be refunded.
Client’s Default
Client shall be deemed in default of this Agreement upon the failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the obligation to make any payment as and when due. Upon default, Action Fitness camps shall have all rights and remedies available to it, including termination of this Agreement and institution of an action for all applicable damages pursuant to this Agreement. If an individual Action Fitness Camp licensee delays or refrains from exercising any rights under this Agreement, Action Fitness Camp licensees do not waive or lose those rights. If an Action Fitness Camp licensee accepts late or partial payments from Client, the Action Fitness Camp licensee does not waive the right to receive full and timely payments and other charges due under this Agreement.
What if I live far away from your locations on the calendar?
We have people coming from all over! It is worth the drive. If you live far away from the nearest location listed on our website, then you may propose a new location to us. You will want to contact us and let us know your request. Hint: If you have a few others interested, you have a better chance of getting your new location approved much sooner! List your group size and level of commitment. If you are a fitness enthusiast and would like information on starting your own location, please check out our franchise page.
What if I can’t attend all the days offered?
I know you’ll agree that some exercise is better than no exercise. So if you can’t make it five days a week, at least do your best to attend two to three days a week. We have seen participants achieve significant results while attending even one to two days a week.
What if I’m too busy and don’t have time to come?
Professionally speaking… After working with over 5,000 clients over the years we have found that “I don’t have time” really means “I’d like to procrastinate a little longer.” The truth of the matter is that you can make time if you really want to change the way you look and feel. Ask yourself this: Am I finally ready?
OK, you make a good point… What do I need to bring?
Nothing. We’ll provide all the equipment, motivation, and accountability you’ll need. Just bring a water bottle and a sense of adventure! Oh, and make sure NOT to come on an empty stomach. We don’t want you to get light-headed during our fun and energizing workouts!
What can I expect to achieve?
You can expect to drop inches and pounds while becoming more fit and toned. On average you’ll drop 3-6 pounds, 1-2 dress or pants sizes, and 2-4% body fat every 30 days. The program includes exercises designed to firm your butt and thighs, flatten your stomach, reduce body fat and “bloat”, as well as increase confidence.
How is this different from the local health club or gym?
Action Fitness Camp is a fitness program designed to get you in the best shape of your life in a fun and motivating atmosphere. Unlike a traditional health club you won’t encounter intimidation, overcrowding, and broken down equipment. And best of all we are the ONLY fitness and weight loss program in the area to offer a “see results or get your money back” guarantee! Lean more about our amazing guarantee here!
How often can I attend?
The Camps typically run four to six days week, Monday through Saturday, and since they are held outdoors and in-doors, the weather is never an issue (so don’t make it one!). We suggest that you attend three to five days a week if possible, but you can still achieve incredible results if you attend at least one to two day per week if you do other workouts on your own (which we can provide as one of our service offerings).
Can I pay per workout or just when I come?
Yes and No. The fact of the matter is that you need and want to exercise consistently, right? We’ve found that the second best motivator is knowing that you are consistently paying for your sessions. The best motivator is knowing that you’re going to have a ton of fun once you get to camp and meet your new friends for another life changing workout! Technically, you could pay a drop-in fee of approximately $15 each time, but our fantastic pricing makes this form of professional group training so affordable, you’d be silly not to just sign up for our regular program.
How do I sign up now?
Go to the locations page and pick a location. Follow the instructions to contact the instructor or contact us with any questions, then we’ll see you at camp ASAP!
Will I be sore sometimes?
Most people feel some soreness for the first 2-3 days. After that point, it is little to moderate. It’s part of the process that lets you know you are improving! After the first two weeks your body will adjust and you’ll find that you’re no longer sore.
What is a typical day like at camp?
In one word? FUN! However, since each workout program is intentionally different to alleviate boredom and to give you maximum results in minimum time its difficult to describe a “typical day.” You can expect some light running, resistance training, obstacle courses, core, body weight, and team training. On random (or wild card) days, you will hike, crawl, lunge, and have a fun time while burning a ton of fat and meeting new people. It’s always an adventure!
How soon will I see results?
Performance improvement can take place in as little as a couple of days. “Visual Improvement” can take from two to four weeks depending on your effort level. It’s becoming common to see a camper go down 1-2 dress or pants sizes within the first 30 days.
Does the camp ever end?
Action Fitness camps are ongoing programs. After all it’s a lifestyle change. You’re welcome to join for a little as one month or stay on board for the long haul like 85% of our clients.
What types of people go to camp?
They are people just like you. Whether you have a few vanity pounds to lose or 50 plus pounds you’ll find Action Fitness camp the perfect program to help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goal!
What if I have to miss a camp or a training session?
You don’t have to worry about which camp you attend. Most of our plans are unlimited times and locations. Of course, the best way to do the camp is to stay consistent, which means attending every camp session. You have to decide if you are truly committed. If you show up only once every 6 months, you are either a great athlete or extreme exerciser looking for a boost, or you are just an average person improving yourself. This being said, if you miss a day (like Tuesday), you can make it up the following Saturday, or whatever days are offered.
Does it matter when I join?
Although we set up the adult fitness camps to follow goal-oriented 8-week habit-building patterns or 90-day fitness challenges that are designed to get you results and are progressive, it doesn’t matter if you join mid-way through. We have designed these so that you can begin the progression whenever you get there. The best time to start is as soon as possible. Don’t put it off until everything is “just right”
What are some additional things I might want to consider bringing to camp?
You will want to bring water (in an easy to carry water bottle), wear layers (be prepared for all weather conditions), and bring gloves (light gloves just to protect your hands from the ground and rough things you might grab). You will want to wear shoes that you don’t mind getting muddy, as well as clothes you can move in easily and that you don’t mind getting dirty and/or wet. You might find it useful to bring your own jump rope, medicine ball, and/or mat, but these are optional.
What if I have other questions?
You can always go directly to your nearest location and contact the trainers there.
You can also email us and we would be more than happy to answer any additional questions that you may have.
Jesse “Mr. Pain” Stoddard, CPT is a 16-year fitness veteran. He is founder of FitnessProFreedom.com, writer of several books, and has been featured on CNN Money for his advice about the fitness industry. He has a background in many disciplines, including gymnastics and dance (professionally in NYC and Seattle), and has owned several fitness companies. He is now a master at helping busy professionals get fit, athletic, and lean, even if they don’t have much time to devote to fitness.
Jesse started in sales for a small family-owned gym, soon became a personal trainer and manager, working both for large chains, small clubs, and eventually on his own, building a very successful training business. He worked the front desk of several clubs, worked as an administrator, an assistant manager, an outside marketer, a Corporate Sales Manager for a multi-state chain, and did all the nitty-gritty in-between, swabbing toilets and repairing equipment along the way.
He went on to own a traditional health club and survived the economic downturn. It was during tough times that he found the inspiration and drive to launch his own boot camp. From humble beginnings in a park with no clients, to a thriving multi-city boot camp enterprise with an entire team of trainers helping hundreds of clients, Jesse’s business creation was the envy of many.
Jesse is now a consultant to fitness professionals and gym owners. He lives in Snohomish, WA with his wife, two athletes, and a dog, and he still runs a boot camp business just for fun.